Talking vs dating vs relationship
Talking and dating are two very different stages in a relationship. Talking refers to the initial conversations that occur when two people are first getting to know each other. This could be anything from a casual conversation when two people first meet, to a more intimate encounter when two people are getting to know each other better.
Dating takes the conversations that occur when two people are talking, and turns them into something more. This means that dating involves not just talking but also going out on dates or doing activities together. Its a step beyond talking and allows two people to explore a potential relationship further.
Relationships are the next step after talking and dating. Relationships involve two people who are in an exclusive, committed relationship with each other. This means that both parties are interested in forming a long-term bond and will work together to make the relationship work. They may make plans for the future and discuss important decisions together.
To sum up, talking is the initial stage of getting to know someone, dating involves taking things further, and relationships involve a level of commitment. If two people are looking to take their relationship to the next level, they should take the time to talk and get to know each other before entering into a committed relationship.

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