Casual dating vs relationship
Casual dating and relationships differ in terms of commitment. Casual dating is typically done without any expectation of commitment, while a relationship is typically developed with the intention of creating a more serious and deeper connection.
Casual dating is often referred to as "hanging out" or "talking," and usually involves two people who are not exclusively committed to one another. In this type of dating, it is common for both people to continue to see other people, as there is usually no exclusive commitment between the two parties. Casual dating is a great way to meet new people and explore potential romantic connections without the pressure of a more serious commitment.
On the other hand, relationships involve a deeper level of commitment than casual dating. When two people enter into a relationship, they are typically exclusive to one another and have agreed to take their connection more seriously. This type of dating involves making a conscious effort to make the relationship work and build a connection with the other person.
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to enter into a casual dating or relationship comes down to personal preference and goals. Casual dating can be a good way to get to know someone and explore potential connections without feeling pressured into a serious commitment. However, if youre looking to build a more lasting and meaningful connection, then a relationship may be a better fit.

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